I’d been taking random pictures and looking with untrained eyes off images. To sum up in a sentence what the image quality in the E-PL1 looks like to me: it’s not quite as good as the images off a D300,
Now for the inevitable bug bears. The Olympus Pen m4/3 cameras have got a lot of flak for their contrast-detection AF system. Basically, it’s slow. If you’ve only used DSLRs, the AF hunting the E-PL1 does is gonna be real
Surprisingly, the E-PL1 can be had for relatively attractive prices here in Singapore though the recommended retail price here is SGD998. The unit with the standard 14-42mm lens can be purchased for as low as SGD900, which while is still
I’ve blogged about my interest in a picking up a larger sensor compact camera for some time now, and last month was very excited about the announcement of the E-PL1. It’s strange that the scene has still been dominated by
The micro four-thirds format sure is picking up steam. I blogged about the E-P1 last year in June. But as attractive as the size and sensor format of the camera was, I wasn’t tempted. The first iteration of Olympus’ design
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