After an absolutely horrendous week of smog, the sky started clearing up from yesterday afternoon. The air is still by no means in the healthy range, and the health agencies monitoring the haze have warned that the somewhat clear skies
Another weekly update on the ongoing construction of The Minton condo. This might be one of our last visits before the project reaches technical completion next month or so – on account that our baby boy is due very soon.
Our once a month visit to the nearing completed The Minton condo has changed to fortnightly and now weekly visits. We normally visit in the mid-mornings and where possible only when I’m certain of getting reasonably decent lighting for pictures.
Yeah it’s been just 2 weeks from our last visit to The Minton condo, but with many residents keeping their fingers cross (or hopes high) that completion is just a month away now, I decided to really pick up the
There’s been lots of excited discussion in our new home’s The Minton FB group about when the project will complete. A couple of residents are confident it’d be done by June, though every time we go by for a photo-visit,
Our April-month visit to the construction site of our new upcoming home at The Minton condo, and also an opportunity to bring out the recently acquired Olympus 75-300mm II for a spin. This is a pretty low-price consumer lens that
Another month and our thirteen visit to the site of the on-going construction of our new home @ The Minton condo. From the looks of progress, it seems now extremely unlikely that the place will be ready for residents to
Our post-CNY February visit to the construction site of our new home @ The Minton condo. Development’s still ongoing though it’s also hard to spot the many little new changes since our last visit. The E-M5 + 45-200mm lens alongside
Another month, another visit to see the ongoing construction of our new home @ The Minton condo. The site’s Facebook page is quite lively with at least a couple other photographers (besides myself) making regular trips to the place to
Another update on our new place that’s still in construction @ The Minton condo. There might not be much immediately obvious developments to the project, but when we look harder, we see numerous changes and progress to the condo’s physical
Another visit to the ongoing construction of our new home @ The Minton condo. We headed out earlier than usual this Saturday morning, and fitted enough time to visit the site from three different locations: Blocks 143, 142 and finally
Another monthly check-up on The Minton condo, and this time the 10th and 11th floor of Block 158. The place is now about 15 months away from estimated completion. The Sigma 18-250mm lens came along for the check-out this time,
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