The following video is a short segment from the Dr. Phil show, an American talk-show that features the titular fellow, a clinical psychologist, talking to troubled families, kids and marriages through their difficulties. This segment is about an especially, well,
Since I was writing recollections of my extra-curricular activities the week before last, here’s another entry on debating at NTU. The Australasians tournament in Melbourne ’95 was an eye-opener, and from that point till 2000 I got involved training polytechnic,
I wrote this entry several weeks ago to post up when I’m too busy to write current entries. So here it goes.:) A student blogger on the other blog I write for was noting how quickly time has passed in
An email with an attachment just landed in Outlook at work titled Phone Scams: Crime Prevention Outreach to Schools. Reading off the forward list, the email has gone quite quite a long way before it finally reached staff. I suspect
Yahoo just doesn’t agree with WordPress. This is my second attempt at upgrading WordPress, and bleh – things just didn’t want to work properly anymore. The database comprising nearly 380 posts, hundreds of comments etc. didn’t successfully migrate along, and
I was caught up at an international gaming conference held at Suntec Convention Centre over the last three days. The conference is quite a mouthful, but here it goes: “International Conference & Industry Symposium on Computer Games; Animation, Multimedia, IPTV
Something warmed my heart recently. I was halfway tearing a parking coupon at the car park of ICA (Immigration and Checkpoint Authority) when I heard some knocking on the glass window of the passenger’s seat. I looked up and saw
I remember a funny occasions during one of very first few days teaching 13 years ago. I was typing something on the keyboard when a colleague leaned over and said, “Wow – are you the new secretary?” She didn’t know
I did most of my thesis writing at my home in Farnham Street rather than the office at Curtin University during my years in Perth. During those long days of writing, the television was usually on. I think I watched
If you’re a fan of Dungeons & Dragons, here’s an interesting link that’s worth a visit. Based on your responses to a very long list of questions, you’ll get a detailed report on the level, character class and alignment that
Well, Ling came back from her Venice trip chaperoning her choir… and promptly fell sick for the next couple of days from fever, sore throat, and coughing. From what I gather, it was not an easy trip with her girls
The line in the title of this post comes from a TV science-fiction series the boys from the Foo clan loved when young. Not all the three boys at home, but just my elder brother and myself. The series was
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