The pictures turned out quite alright, which is surely a good testimony to the skill of our photographer at Precious Moments, Tien Sheng. In fact, they turned out better than either of us had expected – so much so that
Tradition may say who should be the party to choose the wedding bands, but we figured since I’ve already chosen the engagement ring, Ling would get the say on the other one. So, for the month of March, we hunted
You tell me! It is quite an embarrassment but yes, my students do ‘tell’ me about it when I speak. Their body language is unmistakeable. Yeah, I do feel very conscious of myself when I caught their non-verbal gestures. So
This is my last day in Perth, and I’ll be flying back to Singapore for good in a few hours’ time. It hasn’t been a long 3 years. In fact, the time I spent in Perth seemed to whiz past
No matter how many times I fly, I never feel comfortable onboard an airplane. When I’m flying, I experience the whole range of emotions that run from “a little terrified”, “terrified”, to “absolutely terrified”. Yeah, I know that flying is
Call it the intricacies of life. 1 + 1 = 1. The bible defies math…or did it define math? Life is not so simple. The likes can attract. Yup, two introverted persons who have pessimistic tendencies can complement each other.
I received a particularly happy bit of news two days ago; a paper I’d co-written had been accepted for a conference that will be hosted at the National University of Singapore in June this year. Even then, although this isn’t
I saw a horrific image on the television today – a scared boy surrounded by soldiers, many of them equally nervous, pointing guns at him. This boy was wearing a coat, and underneath it, wrapped around him was 8 kilograms
Curtin University has a health and counseling services department situated in a nice building just opposite the library, and I was there last week to see if I should be worried about a skin problem that had been bugging me
Today is the last day I’ll be spending in Singapore for a long while; as several friends and my colleagues know, I’ll be leaving for Perth tomorrow morning to do the remaining 3-4 years of my Ph.D program on campus
I’ve always been fairly convinced that I’m awful with kids; until I’ve had the opportunity to baby sit my 2.5 year old nephew, Jieyu. At all of this very precocious age, he’s already showing all the signs of a major
It’s just after midnight on Friday evening; I was- as usual- mulling over many things whilst having my evening jog an hour ago, such that after I ran back home, I decided to put down some of these thoughts in
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