This weekend was a pretty cramped one for us – on account that Saturday morning was spent going by a school to give a talk, and Sunday was Hannah’s Nursery end-of-year concert event at Kallang Theater. Still lots of opportunities to take pictures though, and this weekend’s theme were pictures all shot wide-open (or nearly!). It’s quite fun – being the easily impressed photographic amateur I am – to watch how thin and wide depth-of-field changes when I shoot the three 17mm, 25mm and 45mm prime lenses at maximum aperture, and I’m increasingly getting a handle on which aperture to choose when intending to achieve a specific depth-of-field.

Of camera systems too; the photographic world was set abuzz by Sony’s announcement of their new line of compact full-frame systems. Lots of vigorous debate on its implications, prophesizing of the demise of smaller format compact systems, and professional photographers also weighing in to give some much-needed perspective on what the new line really means, with three of my favorite photography blogs sharing their observations here, here and here. The new Sony A7 and A7R really does look interesting and if I had a ton of cash to spend trying out new systems – I am a bit of a gear head afterall LOL – I would! But I don’t, and I’m pretty happy with the m4/3s and the three absolutely wonderful and comparatively low-cost primes to continue taking pictures of our two children.
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