Kazue-machi Chaya District is just literally across the road, and far quieter in comparison; I suspect largely because there are far fewer dining and retail establishments. If you’d like to just soak in the serenity of strolling beside Asano river, this is the spot to go to rather than the busy and congested Higashi Chaya district.
The weather today was fiercely overcast though, so pictures here and also just now at Higashi Chaya all look fairly lifeless. Our cell group friends who’re also in Japan had just visited Kanazawa 4 days before we did and explored the same places. From the pictures they posted on Facebook, they benefited from gloriously sunny weather.

Our curiosity of both districts sated at this point – and we’d only spent about 90 minutes instead of the three hours we’d set aside in the initially planned itinerary – we decided to head back to Kanazawa Station to explore the couple of malls there and what our dinner options are. Continued in the next post!