The work event that was the centerpiece of this trip supposedly takes place in Tokuyama – except that as far as official location names are concerned, there’s no such city called Tokuyama. The area is actually called Shūnan city, and I reckon Tokuyama is in common use because the Shinkansen train station bears that name. Either way, the city itself is fairly small and exhibits little of the hectic energy (or traffic) of Fukoaka city that I was traveling to Shūnan city from. The shopping arcade that is beside the train station was also sedate, with shops closing early, and eateries remaining or starting to open for dinner. Interestingly, the city – despite it being 180km north of Fukuoka, feels less cool – and it seems largely on account of the absence of a breeze throughout the work event’s several days.
There’s a lovely Starbucks and also city library below the train station. Both establishments are beautifully done-up, modern and sleek-looking. Like everywhere else, there were numerous yong adults and students patronising the cafe with their ventis. Unlike in Singapore, the ones who were studying Moeen often than not look like they were actually studying.
Our conference auditorium was just beyond the comfortable 20 minute walking distance from my hotel, and is actually an music performance theatre, with numerous smaller rehearsal and even ballet studio in the basement. Aside from buses that were chartered by the event organisers, there is also a city shuttle bus (fare is ¥100/SGD1.30) that runs on a loop from the train station to the city zoo (just further-on from the conference auditorium). Google reviewers have noted that the Zoo is pretty mediocre with equally miserable looking inhabitants, so I gave that a miss.
The conference banquet was situated about 10 minutes bus-ride away, on a lovely small hill, and apparently the popular venue of weddings in the city.
Yep; and that’s all the notes I have of this city. It really is that sedate!

I had several days of exploration lined up after the work event, starting with a visit to Miyajima Island. Continued in the next post!
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