The third in my series of posts covering Olhuveli by day, night, and finally – at sunrise. The lightweight Sirui T-024X Carbon Fiber Tripod and C-10S Ball Head was carted along for this Maldives trip. And after two earlier attempts to capture morning sunrises on Days 03 and 06 @ Huraa Island where the sun refused to show amidst very heavy early morning cloud cover, I finally got lucky on Day 09 @ Olhuveli. Granted, I was feeling pretty awful at this point of the stay – I didn’t realize that I’d been struck by dengue fever until I returned home to Singapore – but still pulled myself together to get up at 5:20AM – Male time – for a morning sunrise shoot at the boardwalk leading to our water villa. The actual timing at Olhuveli was an hour after Male time, but for easier reference – and also on account that as much as Olhuveli would have liked, they really do not have seem to have their own timezone, not according to Google anyway haha – I’ve left the timings as Male time here.
Our ang mo bud joined me for this one – he walked 15 minutes from his room to get to my vantage location even – and we we were treated to a spectacular morning sunrise. The sun was scheduled to come up at 5:58AM this morning, though looking at the various time-stamps of the photos, we really only got to see the sun rise above the horizon’s cloud layer later than that.

Next post on my review of Olhuveli!
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