JooJoobs’ Leather Bifold Wallet

One of the annual things I’ve found myself doing is replacing a worn wallet. They get wrecked/tear/go moldy really fast! I reckon it’s a combination of things: the way I carry wallets – usually in my back pocket – and the amount of junk I routinely have inside it. The other reason I think that might be accounting for their fast degradation is the wallet material itself. The cheapo side of me loathes paying a lot of money for these things that I rarely think about, until I have to fish my ATM or Credit Card out only to see the amount of grime and stains on the card because of how the cards come in contact with the wallet’s material.

So, I went about doing a bit of research on wallets, keeping an eye specifically on ones that are made from higher quality genuine leather, but not have to pay a royal bomb for them still. There are a number of such artisans listed on Etsy, and I settled on a leathersmith – JooJoobs – that’s based in Chiang Mai, and who handmakes leather products. They’ve got quite a range including further customization options to personalize the product. Most of their standard bifold men’s leather wallets are priced at about SGD68 – slightly more expensive than other custom-made leather wallets found on Etsy, but still reasonable considering that many of the ‘branded’ wallets that are found in department stores here are often even more expensive, and one would also need to check really carefully the type of leather used too in those products to make sure you’re not paying premium prices for a faux leather wallet. And moreover, support Asia haha. The wallet I chose with personalized letting is a Leather Bifold Wallet. The item took about a fortnight from the point of ordering to production in Chiang Mai and finally delivery to here in Singapore.


Distressed leather is used: this material is artificially made to look worn and ‘lived in’. The personalization added about SGD11 to the cost of the wallet.
Dark brown stitching. The other option you can choose is Natural tan stitching.
The bifold-styled wallet has just four credit card pockets, and there are no inner pockets. That’s pretty minimalist: since I typically have around at thirteen cards in my old wallet! That really forced me to think very hard about what I was going to finally carry over from my old wallet to this one.
You could insert excess cards into the paper notes cavity of course. There are two variations of this bifold wallet too: one that fits US currency, and the other Euro currency. Mine’s the latter.
The stitching looks really heavy-duty and not about to break anytime soon!
Stuffed with a bunch of notes and ten cards (four in the wallet’s card pockets, six in the cavity for notes) , the wallet doesn’t look particularly minimalist anymore! I’ll have to cull my wallet size a bit more LOL.

2 thoughts on “JooJoobs’ Leather Bifold Wallet

  1. Not gonna lie, but having a name monogrammed onto the wallet and in such large font sort of ruins an otherwise stylish & classy wallet…

  2. Yeah – I like the font, but didn’t know the size of it was going to be that large! But still I’ve gotten used to it, so it doesn’t bother me much.

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