The initial itinerary actually placed the Zhongshe Tourism Flower Market on Day 3. But since it was about on the way to Gaomei Wetlands – our last stop for the day – Kong brought it forward to Day 2. This place seems more like a Flower Expo than Market in that it’s more exhibition than an actual seller’s market. Nonetheless, it’s also another popular spot that is on most tourists’ itinerary, and saw throngs of tourists milling about the area. Thankfully, the general site is sizable – 6 hectares from what someone else wrote, and you can get really lovely pictures from the numerous and very colorful flower beds that fill the place… though the very large number of visitors made framing a real challenge! I had to employ every trick I knew in my arsenal to craft pictures that try as far as possible to drop all traces and hints of crowds.
Or maybe it was just the weekend.

Alright: selected pictures of the flora first. Several of the pictures are at flower level; one trick to give the illusion of absence of crowds. The later pictures in this series – specifically the two sunflower shots – are further into the park where crowds are a little thinner.

And of our kids in the area:

Our last stop for Day 02: Gaomei Wetlands!
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