I think the Government has long realized that Singaporeans are becoming harder to please. I reckon we’re victims of our own success – e.g. considering that our small island’s public branding has been one of efficiency, that we’re the top in the world in X or Y or Z – that, inevitably, when the regional competition catches up or surpasses us, or a service and amenity we expect to run smoothly runs into glitches (*cough*MRT), Singaporeans will just start flipping chairs and tables.
I’ve been observing it on multiple levels, including our home and the community around it. True: that some of the private apartment projects built here of late have had issues, well-reported also in media. As The Minton ages, some of the estate and unit issues are going to get more persistent – e.g. from wear and tear, or that many of us aren’t very good at taking care of public things and amenities.
So, I thought it was a good time to remember and be grateful for the things that do work, and that things aren’t really not all that bad. I posted this on the Minton’s FB group, and it’s below – edited also for better context.
10 Things I Cherish about Living in @ The Minton
1. The Greenery
– The landscaping, especially around Tranquil World, was a key selling point when we were deciding. The overall flora has kept up fairly well, and I’ve also grown used to the fencing used around the compound – a sore point some of us will remember when we first noticed it in 2013. I’m really cheered to see the pictures residents with green fingers post up about interesting plant specimens around the compound!
2. The Fauna
– Especially the many occurrences of butterflies laying offspring on balcony plants, and that we even have resident support groups who share resources and food for the caterpillars to grow into butterflies!
3. The Range of Amenities
– Though I only use the main pool nowadays, I appreciate that there are other facilities in the compound I can make use of if I want to – including the badminton dome, piano room, gym, and a convenience store for us to get binge snack food! I miss the Itailan pizzeria, and Edgy’s Cafe though.
4. The Location
– The closeness to main roads connecting the rest of Singapore, and half a dozen large malls all within 20 minutes driving distance of home e.g. Compass One, Hougang Mall, Hougang 1, Seletar Mall, 1KM, SingPost Center, Punggol Waterway, and many more in the town center just beyond.
5. The Pictureseque Views
– The number of newly wedded couples having their bridal photography shoots @ Minton! And that we have many photography enthusiasts who post pictures of sunrises and sunsets, the lily pond, and full moons!
6. The Car park and Lift lobbies
– It’s always pleasant to return home via an air-conditioned lift lobby situated beside car bays. I appreciate that our car park is fairly roomy, well-lit and ventilated and cooling too. If only all of us would comply with the driving directions though.
7. The Safety
– While we enjoy a relatively high-degree of safety on the island, I appreciate too that the general Lorong Ah Soo surrounding is also free of petty crime. We’re near routine dengue hotspots though, and that’s something we need to continue to be vigilant about.
8. The Sounds of Life
– Our compound is filled with the morning sounds of cascading waterfalls, birds chirping, kids running across the wooden decking of the contemporary bridge, and school buses arriving.
9. The Learning Pianists
– This is a personal blessing for me; I enjoy hearing the sounds of the piano from the many residents who play! But please finish before 9:30PM though.
10. The Neighbors
– Most of all, I appreciate our neighbors, many of whom we now count as friends that we share our lives with. There’s an admirable willingness to share knowledge (e.g. recipes, supplier contacts), help each other out (e.g. caring for our balcony plants when we travel), and just being neighborly (e.g. affirmation) – whether here on this FB group, in-person, or over one of the many WhatsApp groups formed by Minton social groups. We do have our inevitable disagreements, but that’s expected when we commune in shared spaces.

And there we go. It’s important to be positive about our homes!
Hi! I stay at the Minton (for the past 3 years) but had no idea of all the WA and FB groups. Do you know how I can join them?
Hey there. Sure thing; will email you later!
Hi! We just got a resale unit at Minton! Was googling for reno at Minton and chanced upon your website! Can you let me know how to join the Minton Fb family? Thanks!
Hey there; sure thing. Will email you later.
Hi! We got a resale unit at the Minton a year ago. Would you let us know how to join the whatsapp and facebook groups please?
Hey there; I’ll email you in a bit.