Day 8 in Melbourne saw more round the clock rain throughout, with low mist layers occasionally blanketing the city up till the late morning. We still had a few more items left in the relatively busy itinerary – including going up the Eureka 88 Tower, Fitroy Gardens, Parliament House, and Royal Exhibition Building – but decided to drop them all off because of inclement weather. We are though, again, situated in a pretty nice location in the city center, so after breakfast at the little Queens Kitchen cafe beside Pegasus Apart’Hotel and that the rain had slowed to a small drizzle, we walked out again to the central area – Target @ Bourke Street, Woolsworth QV @ Lonsdale Street, and a lunch stopover at Romano’s inside QV – to pick up presents and other things to bring home.
Largely also because our lunch times on the non-tour days have been quite late – typically between 1400 to 1500hrs – and that it’s often very late afternoon by the time we’re back in our hotel, we’ve been also buying packed dinners to microwave. Oh yes – our room has a microwave oven, a fairly large fridge, and a bread toaster situated in a small kitchen. We’ve not gone to the point of actually cooking meals here from fresh produce yet, but hot food off the microwave in cold winter was a reasonable and convenient alternative.

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