The nightly concerts at Club Med Bintan was the second major event outing for the new Olympus 40-150mm f2.8, the first being Hannah’s K2 Graduation Concert a month ago. The shooting conditions were similar in some respects – fast subject motion on-stage and constantly changing stage lighting – and different in others – the distance separation at Hannah’s Concert was about 40 or more meters, while the Club Med concerts were about 10 meters. The latter difference was especially significant – subject motion and also depth of field posed greater challenges, while lens shake was less of a problem.
On the overall, about 950 odd photos were taken using the 40-150mm, about 800 were at the evening concerts. Many of them turned out quite well – all things considered – with the frame capturing the stage actors in the intended posture, the shot being reasonably sharp, and stage lights not posing a frightful mash of colors on sensitive frame areas (especially faces). Here’s a selection of some of my favorite shots across several evenings!

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