Our best bud and family friend was going to be in the region for a tech event, so took the opportunity to visit and stay with us. This is his fifth visit to Singapore (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2015) after his promise the last time round that he’d be in Singapore for SG50, and his first stay at Minton too. The period of travel while about the same as it would had been for most times of the year, would had been even better if it’d coincided with the children’s/Ling’s March school break, but oh well.
The stay at Minton this time round required a bit more logistics and planning, on account that despite the floor area of our Minton unit being significantly more than Rivervale’s, the bedrooms aren’t bigger. The +1 (study) room that is currently Peter’s room wouldn’t fit the mattress, and even if we could find a thin enough one, the door wouldn’t close. So, Peter retained his room, and we asked Hannah if she could relinquish her room for “Uncle Matt” – to which she happily consented. Not that it mattered very much, since she still waltzes into the room like it’s still her own!.
The arrival at Changi Airport was also smooth (though Matt will relate the story of pandemonium at the neighbouring gate at Houston International which he jokingly quipped that the pilot had called in sick), and touched down in Singapore from Moscow early even, and he settled in easily on early Saturday morning in time for us to bring Hannah for her weekend ballet classes, and Matt’s first roti-pratas for his stay. Hannah was like BFFs with Matt from the get-go, which is probably testament to our girl’s easily all-round affable nature.
Selected pictures from the first four days!

And oh yeah. We’re putting together broad plans to reciprocate with a visit to the midwest, maybe around 2016-2017 when Peter’s a little older. And our Ang Mo friend’s first reaction was: “Why…? There’s nothing in St. Louis worth seeing!” LOL.
My advice re: St Louis/Midwest is to take heed of the pilot’s suggestion to look out the airplane window at the beautiful St Louis Arch Monument . . . as you’re flying on by toward some place more interesting and fun. :)