About nearly 2 years 4 months after we made the big decision to buy a new condo apartment near the school we are hoping to enroll Hannah into in a few years’ time, we finally got the newly minted keys to our new home at The Minton this morning. The place was pretty much crawling with estates security personnel. I was stopped by the guardpost, and had my reported appointment checked against their morning schedule. Drove to the foyer just a few meters away where my appointment was checked a second time, followed by directions where to park at the basement 1 carpark, where I’d be met by a third security person who’d let me through into the lift lobby. Gosh. And only when I was let into the ‘inner sanctum’, was I finally directed to the appointment room where the keys handover was to take place. And later in the morning when I was wandering around taking pictures, I was approached by more security persons wanting to know who I was, taking all those pictures!
The actual keys handover didn’t take long. The Developer representative ran through quickly each of the several dozen documents – forms to fill-up, declarations and indemnity forms for moving house and renovation, warranty statements – then the sets of keys and access cards themselves.
To be fair; lots of residents have expressed disappointment for a variety of things about this condo – though observing my other friends who’re making similar purchases at other places, Singapore home buyers are a really tough bunch to please – but my first impressions of the completed Minton was actually quite positive. Words can’t quite describe how large the compound is, the amount of space in between blocks, and how landscaping and elevation has been used to good effect to make the numerous amenities look more spread-out than they really are.
I’ve got lots more initial impressions to share, so will break my visit into three parts; the first of which are panoramas I composed to give a sense of how big The Minton compound is.

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