The Minton finally TOPed last week on the 29 November. Though now comes the real wait – keys collection, and since the project is so large with so many apartment units, we’ve been hearing anywhere between 3 to 6 months for key distribution to complete. Our block though is among the first phase of blocks to get keys – not that it really matters that much to us now though, since whether we move in January or June next year now doesn’t make any difference to school and nanny arrangements for Peter and Hannah.
Still – we swung by the project site on Saturday morning to see if kaypoh residents like us will be allowed in for a walkabout. Taking long shots for the last 24 months from the surrounding HDB blocks was interesting only up till a point! No such luck though – the compound was still secured, and with estate and security guards now whom as someone remarked, looked like they meant business. Or maybe it was just the newness of their new postings.
Just a couple of pictures this time. Since we’re all receiving keys soon, I’ve only posted pictures of interest than the usual establishing shots.

Hi CY,
Like what you said, block 12 might be getting the key earlier… I just called my solicitor and they said that the developer has served the Notice To Take Vacant Possession to them this morning.. And they are preparing the necessary for me that. I should be expecting the documents soon… which I think I would be getting the key within these 2 weeks?
*cross my finger*….
Nice! From the notice to getting the keys itself, the approximate timeframe is 10 days from what I hear, so within 2 weeks sounds right.=)
Hi CY,
Thanks for the useful information :)
May I know how do we check which block will get the keys first?
Hey there Wayne; thanks for the visit to our blog. As to how does one check – well, call Kheng Leong.=) They seem to be getting overwhelmed by the large number of phone calls from anxious residents though all querying about the individual block key release time frames though, but I think you should be able to leave a message at least and they will, hopefully, get back to you.
Thanks CY. My one is at Blk 3A. Hopefully its not the last one to get the keys…
Er, I don’t think there’s a Block 3A.=)
That aside, based on what I’m hearing and also cobbled from other sources and residents, the suggested timeline of key distribution is like this:
Dec 2013 (right now): Blocks 10, 10A, 12, 12A
Early Jan 2014: Blocks 6, 6A, 8A, 10B
Early Feb 2014: Blocks 2A, 6B, 12B, 14
Early Mar 2014: Blocks 8, 12B, 14A
? Block 10C, 10D – but this is apparently the last series of blocks to get the keys
Hi CY,
Thanks so much for your info. Any idea how about block 2?
Thanks again for the information :)
My one is 2A, so it will be early Feb i suppose. I will try to call the developer and see if can let me have the keys earlier.
I’m renting a place until end March only. A bit rush if only getting the keys by Feb.
Hi LK: uncertain about Block 2 – once I read of more information from others, I’ll post it here later then. Either way too; I think one should also treat the key distribution timeline as very tentative with a good dose of skepticism. The journey to TOP went through so many postponements and date changes that based on that experience, it’ll be wisest to hope for the best but plan for the worst.
Thank you so much for sharing.
True True, guess got to plan for the worst then but still waiting eagerly too:)
Hi, anyone here knows the exact date of key collection for block 10C? thanks a lot.
Uncertain, JL. But from what I’m hearing from others, the key collection is either April to May, or May to June. Yeah, I know that’s still quite imprecise and not helpful, but I haven’t heard anything more than that.