Peter is just about three weeks away from four months old now, and Ling will be returning to work soon too in just over a week. We’ve made arrangements for Hannah’s current nanny to take care of both children.
That’s also meant some furniture rearrangements and adjustments too at home; Hannah has been sleeping in her cot in our room since Peter’s birth in June. We’ll now be passing her cot to Peter, moving Peter’s current portable bed to the Nanny’s, Hannah will be sleeping on a two-deck mattress, and both will be sleeping in the kids’ room.
OK; it’s actually not quite as confusing as it might sound in the paragraph above! While Peter sleeps soundly right now through the night, he’s much less cooperative at day naps in-between feeds. In fact, he made such a din during both children’s afternoon naptime today poor Hannah looked positively distressed. So, we moved Hannah back to nap on our bed – and she was knocked out cold in 5 minutes.
We’ve still yet to finalize their sleeping arrangements for our new home at the moment, but we’re likely still gonna stick with the two of them in the same room once we move over next year – though we did have an interesting conversation with one of our IDs who reminded us (several times) during our renovation discussions that older children really do want their own rooms, especially when they are of opposing gender! Oh well – we’ll see. We do want them to be close siblings, and hope that can be fostered by them learning to share spaces, and in tandem, also to treat the bedroom for resting only and not for anything else. More on that in our ongoing renovation posts of The Minton.
More weekend pictures again; the first two were handphone shots, so they don’t look quite as pristine as the other two on the E-M5.

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