After an absolutely horrendous week of smog, the sky started clearing up from yesterday afternoon. The air is still by no means in the healthy range, and the health agencies monitoring the haze have warned that the somewhat clear skies these two days is a very temporary respite. But many are out of doors to take the opportunity to get out of the house, breathe some (relatively) fresh air albeit still with the slight smoky stink and enjoy whatever bit of clear skies we can before the smog welcomes us back from tomorrow onwards.
There weren’t many workers about the The Minton condo compound. Perhaps it was a slow start to a weekend day, or that construction temporarily halted when the haze breached into hazardous levels on Thursday and Friday.
This will very likely be the last visit to The Minton construction site before Ling goes into labor, after which we’ll probably be out of our regular reporting on the ongoing work of their new home for a couple of weeks until – maybe – late July or so. Everyone on the Facebook group is still guessing when TOP-completion will be though, with the optimistic fellows still believing it to be end of this month, and the pessimistic ones, well, sometime next year.
Hi, I am your new neighbour. Just bought a unit at The Minton recently. Would like to join your facebook group, is it ok? Enjoy your posting and hope to see you and your family at Minton. ^_^
Hey there; thanks for the visitation to our blog. Will email you the link in a bit.=)