Our April-month visit to the construction site of our new upcoming home at The Minton condo, and also an opportunity to bring out the recently acquired Olympus 75-300mm II for a spin. This is a pretty low-price consumer lens that I got for cheap here, and I didn’t expect miracles from the comparatively slow aperture speeds the lens operates with. On the m4/3 camera system, the lens’ focal length is the equivalent of 600mm on a full-frame, and yep the longest I’ve ever shot at.
Thankfully, lighting was all good on a bright and humid Saturday mid-morning, so the pictures were all shot at a pretty quick 1/1000s shutter speeds. The wide-angle shots were all taken again on the LX7.:)
It’s all coming together! Has the target date for the move-in remained the same?
You’re going to need the extra room just to have a place in which you can put the lenses you’ve acquired. :)
Haha – nothing quite so extravagant yet, bud.:) I’ve been selling away my unused lenses, so what I’ve got at any single point in time is more/less the same as before.=)