Ling is right smack in her first month pregnancy blues, what with round the clock bouts of nausea (she’s BTW glad that I can do most of Hannah’s chores including feeding and bathing, except for brushing teeth that I still can’t get a handle of). For dinner this evening, she quipped that she needed extra-spicy food to help mask those inclinations to vomit. So, she asked for Thai food.
As it happens, there’s a delightful little Thai stall situated at a coffee shop near my workplace. We’ve checked out the place before for dine-in lunches and takeout dinners already, and the fare is decent. This time round though, the wife and I had a massive miscommunication about what we both wanted, and she ended up ordering food enough for four adults when it’s just 2 1/4 adults between the three of us, at most.

Half an hour of struggle later and while I was driving back, I wheezed:
“I don’t think I’m going to ever want to touch Thai food again for a month.”
Ling went:
“I feel so bloated I’m going to merlion. Where’s the plastic bag…?”
Upon which Hannah chimed in and declared:
“Dinner was very good. I like it!”
So there.:)
Haha! I think Hannah has the right idea. :)
Actually, I think the ang mo’s policy on food-clearing has changed since last June’s extravaganza at the Din Tai Fung @ NEX. I feel like I’m still wearing some of what I ate that evening!
Still, the food above looks too good to resist. :p
LOL. I take it that this was a dinner Ling organized? Must had been when I was away for that China trip, otherwise between the three of us we would have been able to finish up the food easily.:)
If I remember correctly, we managed to scarf it all down, but boy did I order way too much food. It was all delicious though. :)
Dinner looked good indeed! Ling I hope you’re doing well, and congrats to your little family for it’s soon-to-be new addition (the months will whizz by quickly). I am sure the little bub will be as adorable as Hannah. She’s a star! :)
Thanks for your encouragement, Anna :D Still trying my best to manage the morning sickness and poor appetite. I like the thought of whizzy timing. Hee hee.