Feeling the unbearable heat these days? The popsicle to the rescue! :)
Trying out new recipes for popsicles is so much fun as they are quick and easy with satisfying results. Making popsicles give a lot of room for creativity too!
The idea for the kiwi in orange juice popsicle came from a blog site called Weelicious. This site also has many other fun and healthy recipes for toddlers. The original recipe calls for lemons but my personal policy is that if oranges can replace lemons in any recipes, the better. Why? This is because oranges are often stocked in our fridge whereas lemons are only bought if a recipe requires them – and I often end up with half an unused lemon. IMO, oranges often impart a better flavour to cooked / baked foods as they have the natural sweet factor which is lacking in lemons.
Okay, enough orange philosophy. :P
Ingredients for making 4 popsicles are: freshly squeezed orange juice (about 2-3 large oranges), 4 slices of green kiwi fruit and 1 tbsp of organic honey (adjust amount according to the sourness of the orange juice). Add one slice of kiwi into each of 4 popsicle moulds. Pour honeyed orange juice into each mould, cover and freeze overnight or at least 8 hours before serving.
Easy popsi, orange squeezy! :)

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