Both copies of Hannah’s photo book arrived yesterday morning, after spending just under 48 hours in transit from the printer’s Seattle office to Singapore. The most recent pictures that made it into the book were just taken on the 2 Sep, and it took just about a week for Blurb to produce a high quality book, and ship it over here.
It was a bit of a risk choosing all the most expensive print and shipping options. Each of the Standard Landscape 10×8 inches (25×20 cm) 220 pages books cost USD109, with the ProLine Pearl photo paper, ProLine Charcoal linen and ProLine Black End sheets options, alongside USD38 with FedEx’s priority shipping. But seeing the final product, I’m glad I didn’t scringed. Even Ling remarked how distinctly better-feeling the paper felt and sharper the photos looked.

Top left to right; from Ling’s pregnancy to Hannah @ 3 months old, Hannah @ 8 months;
Bottom left to right: Hannah @ 1 year old, and lastly the new book, Hannah @ 3 years old.
Hannah took a lot of interest in the new book too, asking if she could look at her own pictures inside it. What’s even the more amazing is that just at past the age of three, she’s able to now remember many things from as long as nearly a year ago. For example, presents she got for Christmas and who gave them to her when looking at the pictures with our Christmas tree last December, and easily even more recent events like our Telunas Resort trip. And she remembered our Ang Mo bud quite well too, pointing to a photo taken of the two and chiming excitedly that “Uncle Matt was with us at the beach!”.
The irony though is that Hannah has been a little grouchy this last week, and no longer smiles for us for pictures. Hopefully it’s just a temporary phase since she’s been also a little sick (like Ling and myself) with a viral cough. Otherwise there wouldn’t be picture material for me to do the inevitable Book VII. :)
Very nice! I can’t believe I forgot to take a look at the photo books you’d received between my last two visits.
I hope everyone starts to feel better.
No prob bud; let me create a PDF off the book and put it somewhere for you to grab. Let you know when done.:)