Hannah’s Blurb book was completed last night. And after two more rounds of checking, it was finally sent to the printer early this morning with an order of two books. The book weighs in at 220 pages and 289 pictures. I bit the bullet for the most pricey and highest quality paper options too – professional grade paper that’s manufactured by Mohawk – figuring that photographic memories of Hannah are well worth the expense. The final cost per book was about USD109 – almost two times the price of USD57 for Hannah’s last book. Ouch.
The weekend was a little more busy than our usual laidback vegetating/playing at home. We had a delightful dinner event with our small group on Friday evening, followed by a one year birthday bash for one of Ling’s cousin’s baby boy. The Lumix 20mm f1.7 was the lens of choice again, and I think I’m really getting the hang of this lens now. Early on a year ago, a lot of pictures came slightly blurry when shot at wide-open; but with the correct hand-holding technique, nearly all the pictures are tack sharp in the center now.
Hannah still adores her Goofy toy, though just over the weekend, she asked me to also buy her a toy of her next favorite character – Pluto, and would you have guessed that!
Ling took a bunch of pictures at the party. Liked this one best. How we get her to giggle is to tickle her. Easy.:)

Great photos! We don’t get to see enough of Hannah+Daddy shots!