Sigh. I’m so pathetic lah. No new recipes to share and now am going to blog about my way of cooking instant noodles!
Maggi mee, remember? In my childhood days, my brothers and I used to buy their curry flavour and cook the noodles in 5 minutes. *rub tummy* Loads of MSG but the umami was there to satisfy our craving for a bowl of noodles in hot, spicy soup. *images of kungfu panda!* :)
I believe that when it comes to instant noodles, we have our personal favourite brands and flavours. My favourite is Nong Shin’s hot & spicy noodles. All thanks to my MIL who introduced it to me.

My reasons for preferring this pack of instant noodles are:
- It is made in Korea (not MIC)
- No MSG
- Balance mix of spices
- It is filling
I would usually add shiitake mushrooms, leafy vegetables and occasionally an egg to the noodles to make it a less unhealthy meal.
1) Soak 2-3 pieces of dried shiitake mushrooms in very hot water. Use a spoon to hold the mushrooms down to immerse them fully in the hot water.

2) Start boiling 500 ml of water in a pot.
3) When the water is boiling, add the instant noodles and instant spices to the water. Use a pair of scissors to cut away the stalks of the shittake mushrooms and cut the caps into strips into the boiling soup.
4) Allow the noodles and mushrooms to cook for 3-4 minutes.
5) At the final minute, add an egg and some leafy greens. Stir to break the egg if you like.

6) Time’s up. Serve from the pot. (I eat from the pot to reduce washing later) :D
A few months ago, I learned that Di Huang Cai (a Chinese vegetable) could be propagated easily from stem cutting. So after plucking the leaves, I would stick the ‘bo-tak’ stem into a pot of soil. All it needs is daily watering and sunlight. In about 2 weeks’ time, new leaves would have already sprouted.

I could harvest them anytime for a simple instant noodle dish like this that doesn’t require large amount of vegetables. It is economic and organic too! :D
Wow! Those are my favorite instant noodles too! The local Korean grocery stores all carry those here.
*high five!* :D
Instant or not, you’ve sure made them healthier… And yummier :) Way to go Ling!
Thanks, Lisa! :D
Ling now you’ve gone and made me crave for some instant noodles!! i like Korean ones too – my fav so far are the kimchee ones.. yummmm. and i do the same thing that you do – throw some vege in to ease the guilt.. heehee…
Oops, now I feel a bit guilty for causing that craving :P