I have a dream. I dream that one day Hannah and I would have great fun baking together in the kitchen…. aiyah, I watched too many movies le :P
I chanced upon ‘Baking with Tiny Tots’ recipe book at Popular Bookstore recently. It has a collection of simple and fun recipes for cookies, pies, breads and cakes which toddlers could make with adult supervision. I had planned to bake with Hannah over the June school holidays and finally got down to it in the last week of the holidays. :)
After browsing the book, I chose a quick and easy recipe which required ingredients that we already had at home. We would be making scones! The first time too for the both of us. The steps which involved my little sous chef were: pressing the buttons on the digital scale, adding baking powder, sifting flour, rubbing butter and flour together with thumbs and fingers, and cutting dough using cookie cutters.

We started work around 8.30 am and one hour later, we were savouring warm scones with strawberry jam and home-made kaya (by MIL) for breakfast. These little scones were so divine – I was lost for words. Hannah preferred eating hers plain (actually it was already rich in butter and cheddar cheese!) while I liked mine loaded with jam and stuff. :)

Okay, honestly? Well, the scones were quite decent given the clumsiness and mess we had in the baking process. Hannah was so proud of her accomplishment that she kept saying “you’re welcomed” whenever I complimented on the tasty scones. Surely, this is the way to start a new day. :)

Well, I for one definitely thought they were quite good, especially with the kaya!
Thanks, Matt :) Ya, I like it with kaya too!