Part 8 of our series of ten posts on our stay at Telunas Beach Resort. For the other posts, do check this link.
What’s ‘Shrimping’ I hear you say? Basically, it’s an activity where you go out onto the beach at night armed with head-mounted spotlights and miniature harpoons, and scan the area at low-tide for shrimps. Apparently, these fellows can be spotted easily since their eyes turn red at the spotlights.
Unfortunately, the season for Shrimping was not in our favor. Specifically, waters were warm, and waves weren’t calm An earlier party had gone out two nights before and returned with exactly one shrimp. We thought we couldn’t fare any worse, so off we went for it on Day 4. Boy, were we proven wrong – we ended up with zero shrimps! In all, a real disappointment. The Shrimping exercise was all at night so I couldn’t get very many pictures in (I was in a balancing act holding Hannah’s hand,a harpoon, and the E-M5).

Ling: “Really? I couldn’t even see a single one!”
The irony was the following morning, Ling waded to the other side of the beach at low-tide at mid-afternoon, and returned with eight shrimps. And all she used was a cup!
The next post – Part 9 – on our overall impressions of Telunas Beach Resort.=)
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