Part 3 of our series of ten posts on our stay at Telunas Beach Resort. For the other posts, do check this link.
I have to hand it to Ling. Whenever we’re out on a trip or visit to a place that’s close to nature, you can count on her to point out all things to show Earth’s natural biodiversity! Sugi Beach – where Telunas Beach Resort is situated at – isn’t a pristine or clean beach, and we saw trash on the beach. But as Ling – being who she is – was still able to spot fine specimens of a small range of critters. She did heave sighs of disappointment at the state of the beach and the amount of trash the tides were bringing to shore, then went about her critter-spotting business.
On the first trip out, the two girls brought back to the chalet several small specimens which Hannah delighted in playing (scaring to death?) with, and we released them back to the beach by the end of the day. The critter below was one such hermit crab Hannah and Ling found on Day 2 morning, and was about half an inch long.

That very same late afternoon, Ling walked till quite far down the distance, and returned with two much larger fellows. One whose shell measured an inch long, and the other (below) even bigger at more than 1.5 inches. The two critters were hyperactive, and when we set them down at our balcony, immediately made a beeline for what they determined were escape routes!

Matt and I went all paparazzi on the two fellows, though the larger crab was by far the more photogenic one. Matt’s D800 was capable of far better image resolution than my E-M5 could. The pictures I managed – two samples above and below – pale in comparison.

This other specimen was a small fellow at just one centimeter long that Ling found on Day 5. We let him scurry about for a bit before letting him back into the beach.

Ling – with eagle-like eyes – also spotted several several fine specimens of sea anemone on the beach on another one of our trips out to the beach. These are about two-inch wide, and tentacle-like. The rest of us with untrained eyes would have happily just thought these to be debris or splotches of dark sand! They apparently need seawater to survive, and will naturally shrink back into their tube to prevent dehydration in low tides.

And this is a Sand Bubbler Crab. A male Sand Bubbler Crab. How does Ling even determine that? I have no idea LOL.

And one inch long shrimps that Ling caught – effortlessly using a cup!

Next post – Part 4 – on the Candlelight dinner on the beach.=)
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