Return to More Weekend Pictures!

Still in catching-up mode from the absence of Hannah posts and pictures in the last 2 months.:)

Hannah now tots around a little handbag ($2 from Daiso LOL) whose contents she frequently rummages through, empties out, and puts them back.
Pretty comfy around escalators nowadays too, though one of us will still hold her hand in case she falls or gets off too late.
A little fidgety around supermarket trolley carts though. She'll turn around, fish through all the groceries we pick up, and not haul them overboard only if we're lucky!

2 thoughts on “Return to More Weekend Pictures!

  1. Ah, the classic abandon-the-shopping-cart-of-all-items maneuver. I personally wish I could make use of that ability as it would likely save me a great deal of money for things I could probably do without having.

    In your photostream to the right, where is that shot of the boats with Hannah in the foreground? Great shot!

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