Another place on our itinerary that Ling read from was Nishiki Food Market, an about 300 meter stretch that runs almost parallel to Shijo-dori. She wanted to check out this place, time permitting. So, after stuffing ourselves silly with Musashi’s sushi (must try, Matt!!!), we took a walk towards the market since it was all in the same area; Kawaramachi. The Food Market offers hundreds of shops selling fresh, preserved and cooked foods, and is apparently known as “Kyoto’s Kitchen” even. I wonder what would happen if fire broke out in this place and it had to shut down for a week, what would happen to all of the city’s restaurants! From, some of these shops have been family-run for generations, given that the Food Market itself is centuries old.
The place was packed with lunch time crowds at about noon time. If you thought that Japanese people are always polite, a walk through this Food Market street will disprove that! The Japanese can push and shove like the rest of the world, and I was certainly one beneficiary from that experience.

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