Hannah @ The Kitchen

While we’ve given Hannah free reign to run around a good part of the house, there are still a couple of rooms that we don’t allow her into. Those are the bathrooms, and from the kitchen and yard areas. It’s easy to close the bathroom door, but the kitchen is an entirely different matter since Ling spends lots of time in it preparing Hannah’s meals. We used to be able to get Hannah to wait outside at the kitchen doorway quietly – learned behavior by telling her firmly each time she tried to tip toe past the kitchen door frame. Here’re a couple of pictures to show what we mean:

blog-2010-hannah-OLYP3085-kitchen blog-2010-hannah-OLYP3074-kitchen  blog-2010-hannah-OLYP3096-kitchen

She’d normally just stand at the doorway and watch us do our thing. But this was last week.

Things changed a few days ago. She’s gotten bolder, and will come into the kitchen, and despite Mommy’s stern instructions, proceed to investigate every nook and cranny in the kitchen. Ling got pretty exasperated, so over the weekend we went about looking for a baby gate – the sort of portable device that you can mount onto a door frame to stop infants and young children from entering into danger areas. We found a suitable device at Kiddy’s Palace @ Compass Point yesterday. Here’s what the kitchen looks like now:


Despite what the picture might suggest, Hannah seems to be taking it quite well – relatively speaking. She hasn’t whined, cried or grumbled.:)

1 thought on “Hannah @ The Kitchen

  1. Oh no! Trust me, Hannah, you little angel, I’ve been there before. One need only consult my Day 2: Trapped in Singapore entry to see where this is leading. :)

    I love the recent pictures. She’s really growing fast!

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