Hannah’s Blurb – Vol. 4

I realized I haven’t done an updated entry on the fourth volume of Vita Una since posting about it more than a month ago here. The volume was titled Vita Una IV: To One that covered Hannah going onto one year old, shipped on the 25 Feb, and was properly delivered on the 11th March. Unlike Volume III, the printing for both copies of the book was perfect this time, and I was immensely pleased with the USD132 I paid for the entire package.

Here’s the landscape coffee-table sized book:


Given the very large number of photos I’m taking of Hannah, I started work on Book V: At One immediately after finishing the fourth volume. It should, hopefully, cover the months from mid-February to Hannah’s forthcoming first birthday in early June – and is already half-completed. Pretty consuming and a lot of work, but the pay off is incredible – seeing printed pictures of our little tot now, and that hopefully in 20 years time, our adult Hannah will find these memories equally meaningful.:)