9 Months

blog-2010-hannah-DSC_6851-morning-callHannah today is exactly 9 months old! It’s been quite the journey as first time parents. There’s been plenty of lows points for certain. There’s been that dramatic change from being in a two person family and having to worry only about your wife, to having to worry about your baby girl and your wife now, and it pretty much pervades every decision you make – like what time you wake up, what time you leave the house, what time both of you have your meals, and that new toy you always wanted to buy has to be put aside i.e. financial prudence.

And just like this morning, Hannah did something she’d rarely done – wake the both of us up well before her usual wake-up time! She did a huge din at about 6:15 AM – we’d turn in late last night watching Watchmen on blu-ray – that was loud enough to wake even Matt up, two closed doors between her vocal chords and him.

But there’re so many more high-points in comparison: that toothless grin, her giggles and laughs when you rest your head on her tummy, her slow break into an angelic smile and chuckle when you make direct eye-contact with her, and the way her eyes dart noticing things around her and reflecting her alertness of both new and old environments. Each new day brings about new things we’re learning about her.

And there’s also that I think the both of us have become better individuals too: better discipline in spending, more efficient in what we do (at least for me anyway haha!), and better planners! And when Hannah’s carried by either of us, we just can’t resist planting kisses on those chubby cheeks of hers, and there’s that indescribable and absolutely incredible feelings of paternal affection and protection over our baby girl.


Three more months to one.:)