That thing you do

Babies have a way of stealing one’s heart away. Even the way they cry can be so adorable. :)

Hannah and I had some sweet, endearing moments and I wanted to pen some down in case I forget someday.

1) On one cold evening, I walked gingerly into Hannah’s room to check whether she was sleeping well. I touched her hands and legs and they felt quite cool. Hence, I used a nappy cloth as a thin blanket to cover her little body. At that very instance, while her eyes were still closed, her lips parted and she gave a wide, toothless smile :) She really warmed my heart even though the smile could be due to her dreaming.

2) There have been many mornings that Hannah showed her delight at seeing my face. She would normally swing her little arms and kick her little legs energetically in the air while grinning or giggling away. One of these mornings, she eagerly tried to establish some sort of contact point with me by saying ‘helloo’ and ‘okay’ with much effort. It felt like she was afraid that I didn’t recognise her. My dearest girl, I know who you are of course! :D

3) Sometimes we would put Hannah on her rocker chair in our work room in order to keep her company while we use our PCs. Just the other day, I was sitting beside her to help her settle down in her rocker chair and she kept gazing at me with such sweetness that made it hard for me to tear away from the spot. :)

4) There were 2 occasions that Hannah spontaneously repeated something I said to her and mimicked my tone as well. One of them was when I told her that her milk was “hot hot” and not ready for drinking. She took a glance at the milk bottle and said “hot” too. The other one was when I praised her for doing something right by saying “Yeah!” with much gusto and she immediately exclaimed “Yeah!” shooting out her left fist. Ha ha. So cute la. :P

2 thoughts on “That thing you do

  1. Dear BIL,

    There will be more of such wonderful and endearing moments to come in the months ahead :)


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