Laundry Sweatshop

Prior to marriage when I was living semi-alone in my Perth studio apartment, my laundry schedule was roughly about once every 7 days. The laundry machine I was using was one of those huge almost industrial sized ones that could wash up to 7-8 kg loads at a time.

Now, after marriage and moving to The Rivervale, our laundry schedule was roughly about once every 4 days for the first 2 years. Ling had twice as much clothes to get through as I did, which is on account of the fact that it’s humid in Singapore + classrooms in her school weren’t air-conditioned. So she perspired a lot each day. She’d occasionally grumble that my entire faculty – outside the lift lobbies and the common concourse level – is air-conditioned. All the tutorials rooms, labs, auditoriums, lecture theatres – heck even the corridors and the faculty canteen.

One thing that’s changed with Hannah coming into our family is the laundry we’ve got to do now. The little tot goes through anywhere between two to four changes of clothes a day (you’ve guessed it… it depends on the number of times she poos in both solid and liquid fashion, and if she merlions), and that’s just the rompers, jammies and clothes she wears. There’s an equivalent number of support materials, including waterpoof sheets, bed linen, napkins, nappy clothes, flannels, mittens, booties, bibs etc. that support the day to day operation of Baby Maintenance.

Here’s a picture of the amount of laundry Hannah goes through in 2 days…


… and that’s not including the bed linen and waterpoof sheets that have to be washed on demand whenever Hannah does her ‘thing’. Our poor washing machine and dryer – which used to work once every 4 days – now has to work just about every day LOL.

2 thoughts on “Laundry Sweatshop

  1. Ya. I got mine from Kiddy Palace. NTUC also sells it. There are a few brands here. I also use fabric softener meant for babies :)

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