Baby Names – Chinese Version

Here in Singapore, Chinese names given to newborns typically follow a name structure that’s kept consistent for each generation. For instance, my generation was “Foo Chek *”. For the next generation, it’s “Foo Jie *”.

Mum has been thinking of a couple of alternatives for us to choose. So, we went by Lentor for dinner, after which we sat down to look through all of them:


One of the nicest things about having Chinese names is that each character is rich in its meaning. Mum highlighted three possibilities:

Foo Jie ‘an’ – 符婕安 – Peace and tranquility

Foo Jie ‘qing’ – 符婕庆 – To celebrate

Foo Jie ‘xin’ – 符婕昕 – Dawn, and the sun rising

We discounted ‘qing’ pretty quickly. We didn’t want our baby girl turning into a party animal LOL. Of the remaining two, I’m Ok with either though I think Jie ‘an’ sounds phonetically closest to ‘Agnes’ and ‘Hannah’. Ling thinks ‘an’ is a little non-descript, and much prefers ‘xin’ instead as it’s a lot more meaningful.

Yeah, I took a picture of the paper she scribbled the characters down. One day, we’re gonna show this picture to our girl and let her see the different possibilities then.:)

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