Yang doesn’t eat strawberries but I simply couldn’t resist buying and munching some whenever and wherever they are known to be sweet while I’m overseas.
On our recent honeymoon trip to Korea, our Shandong tour guide told us that Korea produces sweet strawberries and they were readily available at roadside fruit stalls. So I took the opportunity to purchase a packet at about S$10. It was quite a large packet with many huge and red strawberries. Pity I didn’t take any photos of it to share with all here.
Anyway, in my short span of life eating strawberries, I seldom get to taste those really sweet and delicious ones. I guessed this has to do with the fact that I normally buy those which have the deceiving look of sweetness at bargain prices.
However, I have noticed on several occasions that slightly dented strawberries, without fail, tasted sweeter than their intact neighbours in the same pack. The same was also observed in the Korean strawberries.
Denting appears to have triggered some chemical activities in this fruit resulting in the formation of more sugars. I suspect that this phenomenon is not unique in strawberries alone. Will I pursue better background knowledge to this phenomenon? Hmm, I think it would stay as one of my musings.
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