Call it the intricacies of life.
1 + 1 = 1. The bible defies math…or did it define math?
Life is not so simple.
The likes can attract. Yup, two introverted persons who have pessimistic tendencies can complement each other.
A dear friend of mine recently marvelled at how my boyfriend and I were able to get along well so far given that both of us are neither more sunny than the other. I pondered for a while and realised that both of us do get discouraged or upset at people and circumstances but the saving grace has been that we are triggered by quite different sources.
Take driving for example. While I’m perfectly fine with ungracious and uncouth drivers on the roads here, CY would get all worked up by the slightest sign of ‘dangerous’ driving. I’d normally just let him cool down or sometimes try to explain the mentality of certain drivers.
Or in the case where I met with a difficult person in the work place who really suffered me for a wrong which I was unaware of. CY offered such cheerful and funny perspective of the whole depressing saga that I was very much lifted up then. He could have jolly well joined me in feeling sorry and mournful but I wonder if I’d bounce back to normality sooner.
For the growing person in me, I take delight in discovering this little reality. Thanks, Doreen, for making that precious observation.
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